Region 14 Birthdays

Welcome to the birthday listing for our region! The birthdays are organized by month and date. If you'd like to send a card or virtual gift, please feel free to choose from the links at the bottom of the page or use a preferred site of your choice! If you'd like to visit their webpage, you can find a link at the listing of the sisters. If you don't see yourself on the list and would like to be or want to change your information, please e-mail the RD!


1/2 - Becky Speraw
1/5 - Julie Shininger
1/8 - Karen Stewart
1/11 - Anne Cuellar
1/11 - Connie
1/17 - Jeanette Papin
1/19 - Mariellyn
1/21 - Darlene Richards
1/31 - Ruth Bauer


2/1 - Kathy
2/3 - Becky
2/5 - Suzy
2/13 - Sandye
Running Deer
2/25 - Susan DeChellis


3/1 - Dee
3/10 - Ladybug9x10
Lainey Brockstedt
3/21 - Sheila McClish
3/25 - Patty
3/28 - Autumn Silverwind
3/30 - Joanne
3/31 - Isabel Prieto


4/2 - Anna
4/14 - Terry Mattson
4/16 - Kayleigh
4/16 - Deborah Scott
4/18 - Shari Becker


5/01 - Rosa Sheets
5/6 - Ann Linc-Nielsen
5/18 - Karen
5/24 - Marlene Holley
5/25 - Vickie Lynn


6/5 - Kathy Hanes
6/7 - Diane Woodford
6/9 - Cindy Hill
6/11 - Teresa Roberts
6/15 - Dondi Williams
6/16 - June
6/18 - Linda
6/21 - April Dowdy


7/3 - Sherry Queen
7/8 - Debbie Roosa
7/10 - Katherine Kocab
7/14 - Brenda Homan
7/19 - Janis Gearhart
7/22 - Jan Marie
7/25 - Shannon Miller
7/30 - Wendy St. Peter
7/31 - Tracy


8/9 - Susan
8/14 - Laura Kaplar
8/16 - Sharon Flanagan
8/22 - Ruth
8/22 - Marlene
8/23 - Angel
8/26 - Tammie
8/30 - Melissa Kahl


9/7 - Andrea
9/8 - Amanda Piotrowski
9/15 - Norma Moore
9/16 -
9/17 - Mary Browning
9/20 - Pixel
9/21 - Kathi E. Culp
9/29 - Sheila Adkins Powell


10/10 - Michelle Pesta
10/12 - Bobbie McCarns
10/14 - Heather
10/20 - Janine
10/24 - Carolanne
10/28 - Anne Greene



12/03 - Lisa
12/10 - Anne
12/17 - Rae Lee
12/18 - Linda Waymire
12/19 - Beth Ann McMasters
12/21 - Kim Marquart
12/24 - Debora Stevens
12/25 - Allyson King-Dutrow
12/26 - Chris Nicholson
12/31 - Sandra

Virtual Card and Gift Sites:

There are tons of sites out there, so this is just a small selection. :) If you have one you'd like listed, just click on the e-mail button below and let us know!

Blue Mountain Arts - A free electronic greeting site with some wonderful cards as well as virtual flowers! You can also send real gifts such as chocolate, gift certificates, and charitable donations from their site.

Care 2 - A site out to help the environment. They have much more than just virtual cards here, such as shopping, a search engine, e-mail, and more! This link will take you to the virtual card part of their site, however. ;)

Virtual Flowers - A site devoted to sending virtual flowers It also has links to information about flowers.

Virtual Presents.- Send almost any present imaginable - virtually!

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